
I'm afraid of making mistakes. How complicated a life is!

Electric English dictionary

I bought wordtank S502,an electric English dictionary,which is made by Canon. Its strong points are that it provide Unabridged Genuis English-Japanese Dictionary,in which there are 255,000 words. It's my pleasure to learn English!

Moving desks

In my office,we moved our desks for personnel changes at new business year.

I'm scared,scared,scared,,, But I have to hang onto everything.



Attending a drinking party

I attended a drinking party which was held by my elder ex-colleague. I could hardly talked to anybody,because I couldn't think about how I was seen by other people. I feel depressed...

Compatibility with my doctor

I went to the clinic of Psychiatry. I think my doctor(he has examine me since last month)isn't suited to me. To be honest,I hate him...

Studying English

Today,I have studied English for five hours. I decided to take TOEIC in may. I want to keep studying for the exam.


I went to the Nepal curry restaurant which is one of the my favorite restaurant at lunch. It had been about half a year since I went there. It was so delicious that I feel better.

There is little time in life. Life is too short. We should make good use of our time.

1000 consecutive days

This blog follows consecutively for 1000 days!


豚肉に片栗粉をまぶし、弱火でじっくり焼いたのだが、なかなかカリカリにならず。ネットで調べたところ、 ○小間切れ肉よりバラ肉の方が良い。 ○塊のままでなく、薄く広げてから焼く。 ○油を多めに使う。 のがコツのようだ。今度リトライ!

Progress is delight

I am studying English these days. There is a moment when I noticed that my English is getting better. Thinking of it,I become happy.




○チャーハン 菜の花ってけっこう高いのね。一束300円くらいした。まぁ、季節ならではのものだし、たっぷり満喫! あと、チャーハンのコツをメモしておく。 ・具を炒めた後、それらを一箇所に寄せ、火を止め、空いたスペースに卵を投入→すかさずご飯を入れて…

I fell down in the library.

I was reading a book about depression. There were descriptions about antidepressant. I read it,and I thought how drugs act inside my body. Then I felt unwell and dizzy,so I took refuge in a restroom,and I lain on my back on the floor. I co…

I'm so tired...


I have to change. And I want to change. Because life is so precious and miraculous.

I can't do my job smoothly.

I often notice some mistakes when I am struggling to do my job. In such a case,I am likely to hate myself.

Live canceled

I was going to go to live of Michel Camilo,an jazz artist, at Friday. But it was decided to be canceled for influence of the earthquake. I was shocked,but if it will be held,I won't be able to enjoy it.

Planned power outage has started in Kanto district.

Electricity supply will be stopped during specific time Depending on the region.

ホテルオークラ特製 フレンチトースト、ポテトとウィンナーのカレースープ

○フレンチトースト ポイント; ・4つ切食パンを使う。 ・耳を落とす。 ・たっぷりの牛乳と卵(と砂糖とバニラエッセンス)の液に一晩漬ける。 ・熱するときは、バター少量とサラダ油を混ぜて使う。 ・弱火で蓋をして15分、じっくり焼く。 →ぱんぱんに膨らん…

The earthquake

A influence of yesterday's huge earthquake has been spreading. Tsunami which was occurred by the earthquake made fatal damage. To make matters worse,a risk of radiation leaks from nuclear power plants has been growing. I deeply depress to …

Huge earthquake occurred

There was a huge earthquake with a magnitude of 8.8 at 14:46. It occurred at off Sanriku,near Miyagi Prefecture,spreading to very large area centering on East Japan. I was at my work,and the office also shaked strongly. It was the largest …

Writing in English

I want to write this blog in English for a while. I can't make difficult sentences,and I may make mistakes(grammar,spell,etc). So I want to start with easy and short sentences.

ええいもう 人生どうでもいいっす ぽーん と投げ出したくなる

浮いたり 沈んだり 沈んだり

最近、「人生の終わり」をなんとなく意識することがある。 親が亡くなり、頼る人がいなくなったら、自分はどうなってしまうのだろう、と。 ただでさえ、職場と家との往復で過ぎゆく毎日が、なおのこと、味気のない、無味乾燥なものになってしまうのではない…


自転車で10分弱のところにある、アウトドアのところ。 ここのスクールはレッスンが2か月単位になっており、とりあえず1クール、通ってみるとにした。 初中級クラスを選んだのだが、けっこうレベルが高い! 40〜50代の男性ばかりなのだが、みんな重くて…


○ブリ丼 男子ごはんレシピ。デパ地下のスーパーに寄ったら、ブリの切り身が見切りで半額になってたので即買。脂の乗ったブリは旨し。 ○炒め 炒めて調味料を絡めるだけ。簡単。