
I came back to my loading by night bus. Some of recently night buses are more comfortable than one in the past. Seats are three line. They can recline and are divided by curtains. Even if so,I couldn't have slept very well(But better than …

returned my parent's home

I returned my parent's home by train. Today is the last day of my mother's working. To celebrate it,I went to there.

30hours studying plan

I decided I was going to study English for 30 hours during Golden Week. Learning is interesting!

After beginning writing this blog in English,I noticed that I haven't thought everything well. When writing in English,you are compelled to think story logically. I think it's good to your brain.

My eyesight is falling increasingly.

I'm so sleepy. Because of new medicine?


Today I attend a drinking party at which seven people joined. After a few minutes to start,I felt very tired particularly mentally,so I could speak almost nothing. I think that I'm a person who feel tired easily. Will I be able to live fro…

I bought two cakes at a shop in the station building as a reward of works in this month. These were so delicious.

A fatigue which has caused by work in the middle of April doesn't easily disappear.


6〜7ミリ厚さの塩豚に、しょうゆ、オイスターソース、にんにく、はちみつを混ぜたタレを絡めて照り焼きに。 ちょっと味付けが濃すぎた!その分ご飯がすすむ!

My office's Kansougeikai(a farewell and welcome party) was held today. I 'm weak in talking to an indefinite number of people. I want to change!


(1) 水気を抜いた豆腐に、めんつゆ、しょうゆ、ごま油、ラー油を混ぜ、ミックス。 (2) 塩豚(豚バラブロック肉に塩をまぶしキッチンペーパーとラップでくるんで冷蔵庫で数日置いたもの)は6~7ミリ厚さに切り、フライパンで焼く。 (3) ごはんの上に…

The fatigue which was caused by last week's overwork won't disappear.



I can't stop eating sweets. I ate two peaces of soft ice cream. And I ate two more pieces of ice cream after dinner.

This year's the highest peak of my work has passed. I feel extremely tired and depressed,but I manage to do it!

I have worked until 0:00a.m.

I have worked until 2:00a.m.

I have worked until 1:30a.m.

My work has been turning so busy. A flow of it is too fast for me to keep up with co-workers. Life seems as hard as I have never thought.

I walked around YaNeSen(谷根千)area. This area is worth strolling. I had a morning coffee, apple pie,a Taiyaki,an avocado humburger,Ogura Monaka ice,a donut. Did i overeat? Occasionally,it's OK.

Let's think a life easy. -Communication -Work If you meet two things above,your life won't be bad. My levels of these aren't so high,but if I keep making an effort,there can be hope.

I worked overtime until 4:30 a.m. I'm so sleepy...zzz

There were a earthquake which lead to max seismic intensity 6+(震度6強)in Tohoku area.

I left my office at about 17:30. It's a long time since I left such an early time. I got home,and cooked some crab creamed croquettes as dinner.

Why am I frightened of everything? I wish I could be full of confidence. I feel that I've been under a lot of stress recently...

I think that people have a right of selecting alive or dead(extremely,suicide). So,you mustn't live aimlessly. Once you have decided alive,let's live seriously.

I watched a movie"Le Concert"(Japanese title:オーケストラ!). Some episodes connected the ending. Last scene touched my heart. Cinema is good.


ポイント; ・じゃがいもをゆでるとき、多めの砂糖を投入する。 ・ハムやきゅうりと混ぜるとき、粒マスタードを投入する。


The new business year has began.