
So sleepy...

Suicide rate

It's said that 1/50 of Japanese die of suicide. It means that almost one of classmate in school age will kill himself someday. It's terrible.

A smooth communication

If I am negative in communication with co-workers,an atmosphere in my group tend to be bad. If I try to talk with the others in my group,everyone can communicate with each other.



ヒガシマル 揚げずにとんかつ

を調理。 揚げたとんかつとはだいぶ違うが、これはこれでアリ。 一番のメリットは、簡単なところ。 豚ロース肉を2枚買って、1枚は当日、もう1枚は翌日作る、ということもラクラクできちゃう。 こりゃ便利。 「揚げずに手羽焼」もかなり気になる。 今度た…

Newspaper says that employees of TEPCO(Tokyo Electric Power Company) will be dismissed or get a huge pay down.Also says that the elite begin to be headhunted by other company. It frightened me. It can occur to my office someday. I should k…

I Slept almost all day.

名古屋旅行 2日目

朝:ホテル(ザ・ビー) 昼:飛騨牛一頭家 馬喰一代 夜:なか川(鳥料理)

名古屋旅行 1日目

前の前の課の先輩・Yさんと名古屋へ。 朝:ゆで卵など(自宅) 朝2:「伊勢・磯揚げまる天」じゃがバター天 昼:「いば昇」ひつまぶし 昼2:「コンパル」エビフライサンド 夜:「山本屋本店」名古屋コーチン煮込みうどん

It's fearful that no one in the world needs me. Being needed may be a reason which people live a life by.

I notice that there is no person who looks lively and has sparkle eyes in my office. Will I be such state? It's awful. I want to struggle.

しまなみ海道アイランドライド 3日目(後の祭)

昨日の興奮の余韻に浸りながら、帰り仕度。 中国新聞の1面と地域面に、昨日のレースが載ってた! 再高齢の参加者は73歳だったらしい。 確かに60代以上と思われる人がけっこうたくさんいた。 みなさん若い! 朝:ホテルのバイキング(くるみパン、バナナ…

しまなみ海道アイランドライド 2日目(本番)

本番きたーーーーっ くるしま140(km)コース。 自分史上最長の距離。 果たして、完走できるか? 天気は曇り。午後は雨かもしれないという。 これまで雨の日にロードレーサーに乗ったことはない。ちょっと不安。 7時、会場入り。すんごい人。2,00…

しまなみ海道アイランドライド 1日目(プレイベント)

あいにくの雨。 尾道駅→水船→タクシーで現地入り。 朝:ゆでたまご、ウインナー等(自宅) 昼:尾道・朱華園(ラーメン) 夜:福山・自由軒(おでん、洋食。どの料理も旨し。一人2,000いかなかった。またぜひ行きたい。)

I'm going to go to "Shimanami-Kaido" since tomorrow.



I ate "Tsukimi Burger" and fried potatoes at McDonald's. It was good.

went to Shinjuku

I went to Shinjuku. There were so many people! Particularly,tremendous number of people rode Saikyosen train. So I waited for next train. And I ate some gyoza. These were so good!



Ten years has passed from 9.11 terrorism. And half a year from 3.11 huge earthquake. I mourn victims.

I took TOEIC. Could I do well than previous test? I feel eneasiness and expectation.

I studied English.


本日は、+Jのラスト秋冬コレクションの発売日! ブラックの、ウールジャケット(¥14,900)と、ウールテーパードパンツ(セットアップ)(¥5,900×2本)を購入! 去年の秋冬のときも欲しかったのだが、気づいたときには、自分に合うサイズ(パ…


A new "Sukiya" restaurant was built without noticing a construction. I went to there. Clerks didn't get used to operations,so some orders tended to be delay.

Yakitori and wine date with Y

I went to a bar with Y and enjoyed some yakitori and wine. They were so delicious. By mere chance,I began talking about my distress of love.I was so embarrassed because we hadn't talked about love before. But,as she looked at me well with …

A theory of love

I hear a theory of love. A woman get to love a man when she feels "delightful" by him many times and it reaches a certain level. It is a simple,but convincing opinion. Love is interesting!



I went to play Golf.


おもしろかった! タイトルどおり、首相のゴーストライターを務めることとなった、ユアンマクレガー扮する主人公。 ふとした流れから、不審な死を遂げた前任者の謎を追うことになる。 探っていくうちに、意外な人物の意外な繋がりが浮かび上がり・・・ 物語…

Saving carbohydrate and sugar

These days,I eat half amount of rice at lunch. I noticed that if I eat full amount,I overtake carbohydrate and sugar. Doing so,there occur good points. Loosing weights Less sleeping at middle afternoon Lower blood sugar level(estimated)