
仕事で同僚と微妙な行き違い。 自分の主張をはっきり言えないことにものすごいフラストレーションを感じる。 何かいいたいのに、相手との関係が悪化するのが怖くて、もじもじして口ごもってしまう。 結果、決定された流れにしぶしぶ従って事務を進める。 少…


サブウェイっぽいやつ。パストラミ入りのが食べたくて。 (メモ)材料 ・フランスパン ・ビーフパストラミ(100g400円) ・レタス ・アボカド ・トマト ・チーズ ・ゆで卵 (マヨネーズ、黒こしょう)


I took TOEIC. I might slightly understand questions. I felt sense of accomplishment. I will stop English studying for a week to relax my mind.

A film"Black Swan"

I watched "Black Swan",starring Natalie Portman. It made me feel being between real world and madness world. Camera technique which often used mirrors were also great.

I went to Unagi-matsuri in Urawa at ten o'clock. There were already a lot of people,so I couldn't buy a lunch box of Unagi. Then I went to shopping center and ate broiled meats. At dinner,I ate Indonesian curry. It was greatly delicious.

A Friday's lesson of aerobics in the fitness club has finished because the instructor will take an institute for a while. I miss it.

Attending a English club meeting

I attend a English club meeting which was held in my office. I could hardly speak anything. But I want to praise my action to join it and try to say something. I want to get ability of English composition.


キャベツ1玉を4等分→鍋に入れる→隙間にコンビーフを詰める→水、ブイヨン、バター、塩、こしょうを加え、15分煮込む→完成。 簡単・安価なのに、旨みたっぷりの煮込み料理!

I can't keep up a tension to live through my life.



My body and mind is heavy.

Playing golf

I played golf with my senior colleague. It was the second time of playing it in my life. I couldn't hit ball well. But occasionally hitting strongly,I felt very good. You can play Golf until being elderly. It may be great hobby.

I watched "Unknown",the suspense movie. Its story was so unexpected that I had a great fun.

I went to a family restaurant and ate hamburg as dinner. It wasn't so delicious,although I used to like this kind of foods. It was surprising that I can't satisfied with such foods,which will be made from frozen foods with chemical seasoni…

I have a stomachache...

I feel loneliness.

I'm lack of curiosity.

A payday is coming soon. It's delightful.


○ペッパーチキン 男子ごはんレシピ。 こんがり焼き目をつけた鶏もも肉に、玉ねぎ、ピーマン、塩、(たっぷりの)こしょう、バター、水を混ぜた合わせ調味料をかけ、煮詰めてできあがり。 ○タコめし 研いだ米に、ぶつ切りのタコ、しょうゆ、酒、塩、昆布を加…


○馬来西亜マレー 住宅街の一角にあるこじんまりしたマレーシア料理店。 不便な立地にも関わらず、食べログで高評価を得ており、お客さんが絶えない。 店内は、アットホームですごく心地よい。 いただいたのは、プタイカレーのセットと、ドリアンアイス。 プ…

Friday dinner

I ate monjayaki at the shopping center near my office after work. Friday's dinner is the best thing!

The rainy weather has continued lately.


○ガレット じゃがいもとスパムとチーズを焼く。たまらん。もっと強めに焼き目をつけてかりかり感を出しても良かったかも。 ○サラダ おいしい。キャベツってけっこう使えるな。

finished reading "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"

I have finished reading "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"(in English)! It took about 30 hours to read. But it gave me a lot of joy and confidence. Well,how inexpensive it was!(about \500)


Prepare to get along with surrounding people. Prepare to work desperately. Prepare to live this life!


○カレー カイエンペッパーで辛めに仕上げた。 カレーとミートボールのコンビネーション最高。 ○サラダ マスタードをアクセントに混ぜ込む。

Pulling out a wisdom tooth

I had a wisdom tooth pulled out. It was my last wisdom tooth remaining. It had been in gingivae,so it was necessary to operate to pull it out. The surgery was successfully finished. I feel my body being a little lighter!

Feeling emptiness

I imagined a time that my parent would die(near or far feature,nobody knows). So I realized deep loneliness and felt strong emptiness.

30hours English studying

I have done 30hours English studying during GW(4/29 to 5/5)!

I went to"Pho Viet",a Vietnamese foods restaurant in Ikebukuro. I ate spicy pho,a Vietnamese noodle soup and so on. It was so spicy(the most in last several years) that sweat stood on my forehead.